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Computertomografie (CT)

What is computed tomography?

Computed tomography (CT) is a modern imaging process that uses X-rays to take cross-sectional images from different angles in order to generate a two- or three-dimensional image. Compared to a conventional X-ray image, the CT image offers a lot more information, as radiology can distinguish between different types of tissue such as bones, muscles or fat thanks to better contrast gradations. Larger body sections can be examined in high resolution and soft tissue structures can also be shown in detail. If necessary, this effect can be increased by the administration of contrast media.

Before the examination

When iodine-containing contrast media are administered, a feeling of warmth can spread in the body, but this disappears by itself after a few seconds.

In the case of severe functional impairment of the kidneys or an overactive thyroid, the administration of X-ray contrast media should be avoided. Therefore, for safety reasons, we need current laboratory values for your kidney function (creatinine value) and thyroid function (TSH) before the examination.

Hypersensitivity reactions such as sneezing, dizziness, nausea, headache, itching or rash can occur very rarely. In any case, you should let us know if you notice any of these symptoms.

The diet before the examination.
For planned CT examinations with contrast agent, please come to the examination on an empty stomach and not eat anything from the morning of the examination day.

How is the examination performed?

Computed tomography is painless. During the examination, the patient lies flat on the table. The table moves slowly through the opening of the device depending on the desired examination area. Try to lie as relaxed and calm as possible during the examination and, if necessary, follow the personnel's breathing instructions exactly. The examination itself usually only takes a few seconds to a few minutes.

After the examination

If you have been given a contrast medium, you should drink enough after the examination so that it is eliminated quickly. The treating radiologist will discuss the further course with you.